Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Strange Cloth Pieces


  1. Hopefully someone will click twice and identify that language for us.

  2. I think it's tibetan, and they have something to do with prayer.

  3. They are tibetan prayer flags! I used to have some in my student days, because being a bit of a hippy made me feel cool.

    I never knew you had another blog! I'm pretty lazy, so I'll probably just comment on your writey blog,and just silently stalk this one when i feel like it. I'm going to check and see if anybody else has other blogs now. I could be missing out on a whole world of procrastination enabling goodness!

  4. Thanks guys. Now I know to sit under that window when the desire for Tibetan prayer strikes. I think "My Writey Blog" would be a good blog title.

  5. Sierrosmith - I didn't notice the link until now. I guess they enjoy both meditation and grilling -- not a bad combination.

  6. we were just in the vietnamese plaza for dinner and I was looking at the ones there hours ago and wondering why they were so ratty and why they aren't replaced. Now I know!

    That's why I like it here. I'm always learning.

  7. It's like school, except without the constant hormonal insecurity.
