Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hot Dog Cannibal

He eats his own kind.


  1. LOL! Maybe that's his wiener (friend).

  2. He eats his own wiener! That's cannibalism.

  3. He sure looks proud, but also kind of scared.

  4. I think that captures the emotional state exactly.

  5. COOL!

    "Nice profile hat, mutha-fuckaaaaaaaaaaah!"

    No way to get the emphasis across of how nice, without that sweet kick of profanity.

  6. Not sure what I mean by calling it a "profile hat", except that I first saw it when I clicked on your profile. Man that's one area where my wardrobe is sadly deficient: hats. I gotta get me to a haberdashery.

  7. It's Grandpa's going out hat, the one he wore to the Senior Polka Association's most important dinners. I inherited it.

  8. A hot dog has go to do what a hot dog has GOT to DO!

  9. I have always had a problem with foods that recommend you eat them. Be it a hot dog, a cupcake, or some other unhealthy thing, it just never struck the right chord with me. If you are so awesome talking food, how come you want to badly to end your life? Hrm? Answer that before I go assisting in your suicide, creepy hot dog. Don't look at me!

  10. Stella - Can't disagree with you.

    Boomka - Awesome talking foods have troubles that we'll never understand.
